Registration Requirement 報名條件

Registration for the 100 km, 100 km relay, 55 km and 14km races will be by open entry, first come first served. Entry to the 100 km race requires previous proof of completing an 100 km race in under 27 hours within the previous 3 years (pre-Covid era results will also be considered if the racer does not have more recent results to submit). Virtual race times will be accepted for proof of eligibility.  All entrants must be at least 18 years old as of the respective race start dates.


Pre-registration Application 預先登記程序

  1. On-line Registration starts from 4 PM on 17th July 2024. Registration will continue on a first-come, first-served basis until entry quotas are filled. An Early Bird offer will be available for all individual races until September 1, if quotas are not filled earlier.
    線上預先登記將於2024年7月17日 (星期三)下午4時正開始,今屆所有賽事均 以先到先得方式進行登記直至額滿為止。在本年9月1 日前成功報名登記個人賽的參加者均可獲報名費早鳥優惠。
  2. All individual races of the TNF 100 Hong Kong Ultra Challenge are now opened for priority registration for last year’s TNF100 participants.
  3. Applicants may apply to any or all of the race distances as they choose but may only apply one time to each distance.  Each applicant will be identified by their Hong Kong Identity Card or passport number. Submission of more than one form to the same distance by the same individual(s) is prohibited. If this occurs, all relevant applications will be rendered void.
    每位參加者可以報名參加今屆多場比賽,但每場比賽只可遞交一份報名表格,如有重複遞交表格 (按香港身份證或護照號碼核對身分) 沒或填報資料不齊者,該參加者資格將被取消。
  4. Successful applicants will need to complete the registration fee payment in order to confirm registration. If registration is not confirmed within this said period, the application will be considered forfeited.
  5. Race entry fees:
    100 km – $1,450 early bird/$1,650 after 01 September 2024. 
    100 KM Team – $450 per team member (total $1,800). 
    55 km – $750 early bird/$900 after 01 September 2024. 
    14 km – $380 early bird/$480 after 01 September 2024.
    基本參賽費用 :
    100公里賽 : 港幣$1,450早鳥優惠 (2024年9月1 日起則收 港幣$1,650)
    100公里隊際接力 : HK$1,800   
    55公里賽 : 港幣$750     (2024年9月1 日起則收 港幣$900)
    14公里賽 : 港幣$380     (2024年9月1 日起則收 港幣$480)

  6. Race entry quotas: 
    100 km – 500 participants; 100 km team – 25 teams; 50 km – 800 participants; 14km – 1,200 participants. 

    報名名額 :
    100 公里賽 : 500名,100 公里賽接力 : 25隊,550公里賽 : 800名,14公里賽: 1,200名。

  7. 100 KM Team Race:  Teams consist of 4 members.  Each team must be mixed gender.  Each team member must complete one segment of the race in sequential order.  A team member can begin their section of the race only after their teammate has arrived at the designated handover checkpoint. The designated sections are Wishing Tree to Wu Kau Tang Campsite (Checkpoint 3), Wu Kau Tang Campsite to Hok Tau BBQ Site (Checkpoint 5), Hok Tau BBQ Site to Sze Lok Yuen (Checkpoint 8), Sze Lok Yuen to Wishing Tree Finish.

    100 公里賽隊際接力賽: 每隊只限4名男女子混合組成。每位成員必須順序完成4個指定分段的其中一段,當隊友到達指定的接力檢查站後,接力隊員才可以開始他們的比賽部份。接力賽的指定分段為: 第1段 – 起點至烏蛟騫營地(檢查站CP3),第2段 – 烏蛟騰營地 (檢查站CP3) 至鶴藪政府燒烤場 (檢查站CP5) ,第3段 –鶴藪政府燒烤場 (檢查站CP5) 至 施樂園 (檢查站CP8) ,第4段 –施樂園 (檢查站CP8)至終點。

General Rules 一般規則

  1. Participants must be at least 18 years old on the date their respective race starts.
  2. Race participants may run walk or crawl, but may not make use of any motorized or wheeled vehicles during the race. Doing so would be grounds for disqualification.
  3. Race participants must make forward progress exclusively under their own power. Carrying, pulling or pushing by other racers or members of the public is prohibited and is grounds for disqualification.
  4. Racers must follow the marked course route the entire way and register at each aid station and timing checkpoint. Taking short cuts, is grounds for disqualification.
  5. Racers wishing to make a protest must notify the race command centre in writing within 60 minutes of finishing the race. Protests will be considered by a three person committee consisting of the race director, a representative from The North Face and a representative of the race timing system service provider.
    參賽者如有異議,必須在完成比賽的60分鐘之內以書面通知控制中心。反對的意見會由一個三人委員會裁決。委員會由賽事總監、The North Face的代表,及一名獨立第三方如賽事計時服務供意商的代表組成。該委員會的決定將為最終決定。
  6. Any littering on the course is strictly prohibited. Race participants are responsible for making sure that anything they throw out goes into a trash barrel. Littering on the course is grounds for disqualification.
  7. The race number must be always visible on the outside of the racer’s clothing and on the front of the body. The racer should not cover over your race number with any backpack strap or article of clothing.
  8. If you withdraw from the event, you must notify the closest checkpoint (unless assisted from the course by First Aid crews).
  9. You must carry the Mandatory Gear at all times during the event. Random gear checks will be performed during the event. Any participant without the mandatory gear will not be able to proceed until they arrange for the missing item to be replaced. For the sake of fairness to other runners, the penalty for a missing item is disqualification.
  10. You must obey directions of marshals if you miss any time cut-offs.
  11. Use of trekking poles is permitted after passing the first checkpoint only. Those wishing to use poles must carry them in a backpack or waist pack with the points facing down.  This is a safety measure to prevent runners from tripping over each other’s poles before the starting crowd has had the chance to thin out.

Support/Outside Support 支援​

  1. Race participants may not receive outside support from the general public anywhere along the course other than at check points/aid stations.
  2. Race participants may use their own money that they carry themselves to purchase food and supplies from shops anywhere along the course.
  3. Race participants may take as much food and beverage as needed from each aid station provided by the organizer. A full list of what will be provided at each aid station will be made available on the organizer’s website prior to the race. Race participants will not be allowed to take any bottles, cans or cups from the site and should plan on carrying and refilling their own hydration systems and cups at the aid stations.
  4. The participant is responsible for the actions of their support crew. Support crews must comply with all instructions from event staff and officials. The participant may be penalised or disqualified for actions or breaches of the rules by their support crew.
  5. Support crews must not eat the provided food at checkpoints. The food is for the competitors only.
  6. Outside assistance is only permitted at the checkpoints.  {See number 1 above.}
  7. Support crews are not permitted to run with nor pace runners.
  8. The event organizers are not responsible for the safety or whereabouts of support crew.