Introducing the 30th Anniversary Himalayan Parka, showcasing exquisite craftsmanship and cold-resistance capabilities
Over the years, the classic Himalayan Parka has accompanied many world-renowned mountaineers, including Peter Athans, Kit DesLauriers, and Jimmy Chin, as they overcame challenges and reached new heights. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the jacket, the brand has drawn inspiration from the original 1994 design and created the HIMALAYAN PARKA 30 ANNIVERSARY PARKA Collection. The jackets are elevated with the know-how and improvements from the past 30 years, providing comprehensive protection for explorers on their journeys from the mountains to the city, while paying homage to their never-give-up spirit.
喜馬拉雅羽絨外套三十周年紀念版別注登場 精湛工藝全方位提升禦寒機能
The North Face 經典喜馬拉雅羽絨外套自 1994 年推出至今,陪伴過不少享譽國際的傳奇登山者如 Peter Athans、 Kit DesLauriers、金國威等跨越挑戰,登上高峰。為慶祝 The North Face 經典喜馬拉雅羽絨外套(HIMALAYAN PARKA)誕生三十周年,品牌從 1994 年經典款式汲取靈感,經過重新設計與全面改良,推出一系列全新 2024 喜馬拉雅羽絨外套三十周年紀念版,透過精湛工藝打造出眾的禦寒裝備,為探索者從山野到城市的旅途提供全方位防護,致敬三十年的輝煌歷程。

The 30ᵗʰ Anniversary Parka features lofty RDS¹ certified 600-fill goose down for warmth and exceptional compressibility. It has also undergone DWR² water-repellent treatment, providing excellent cold resistance and protection. With the limited-edition logo embroidered on the chest, the overall design reimagines the classic, effortlessly enhancing outdoor exploration while embodying extraordinary style.
30周年紀念款以限定版 LOGO 為設計主軸,採用 600 RDS¹認證羽絨填充,提供高效的保暖性能和出色的壓縮性,方便收納,並搭配 DWR²防潑水處理,賦予卓越的抗寒與防護性能,重新演繹經典裝備,輕鬆駕馭戶外探索,以及非凡時尚潮流格調。
¹RDS (Responsible Down Standard) independently certifies animal welfare practices in down and feather production, tracking down the certified down from farm to final product.
²DWR is a lightweight fabric that is water-repelling and water-resistant which blocks moisture on the fabric surface while offering high breathability. It also provides quick drying to keep the fabric clean.
²DWR: 水分子滲透物料的防線。主要功能是將水分阻截在物料表面,且這種處理會增強物料的透氣性。在加快其干燥速度的同時,能有效阻塵阻油,保持衣物表面潔淨。
A 4-meter-high giant Himalayan Explorer makes a surprise appearance in Tsim Sha Tsui K11 Art Mall, offering members exclusive benefits
4 米高巨型喜馬拉雅探險家驚喜現身尖沙咀 會員專享多項精彩限定禮遇

To invite explorers to delve into the 30-year history of the Himalayan Parka, The North Face is holding The North Face HIMALAYAN PARKA 30ᵗʰ Anniversary Exhibition at the K11 Art Mall Piazza in Tsim Sha Tsui from 3‒10 November, showcasing the craftsmanship and making of the iconic jacket. The exhibition also features various exciting workshops and activities, inviting everyone to embark on the journey of "Finding the Himalayan Explorer"!
The North Face will transform the K11 Art Mall Piazza into a base camp for the Himalayas, creating an immersive experience for the public to soak in the “never stop exploring” spirit. Upon entering the piazza, visitors will see an eye-catching light-box of the brand logo, lighting up the whole base camp. Camping tents and artificial snow piles will be spread out to create an icy atmosphere, surrounding the 4-meter-high inflatable Himalayan explorer figure as the main attraction and photo spot. Following the snow, visitors will find a timeline showcasing the different milestones of the Himalayan Parka over the span of 30 years, leading up to the latest 2024 Himalayan 30ᵗʰ Anniversary Parka.
During the exhibition, The North Face will offer exclusive benefits for XPLR PASS members. Current selected XPLR PASS members can receive early registration access to attend the The North Face HIMALAYAN PARKA 30th Anniversary Exhibition, as well as participate in a workshop to create their own "Himalayan Explorer" keychain with eco-friendly materials. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis.
From 3‒10 November, those who visit The North Face HIMALAYAN PARKA 30ᵗʰ Anniversary Exhibition and register as an XPLR PASS member on-site or purchase HKD$1,800 or above can register to join the "Himalayan Explorer" keychain workshop and have the opportunity to win a prize from the claw machine, such as the HIMALAYAN PARKA multifunctional pouch and more! Supplies are limited and available while stocks last.
為慶祝喜馬拉雅羽絨推出至今 30 周年,The North Face 將於 11 月 3 日至 10 日於尖沙咀 K11 Art Mall Piazza 露天廣場舉行The North Face HIMALAYAN PARKA 30ᵗʰ 期間限定展覽,讓更多探索者了解喜馬拉雅羽絨外套的歷史,並帶來多項精彩體驗,邀請大家一起展開「尋找喜馬拉雅探險家」的冒險旅程!
為讓大家能夠感受經典喜馬拉雅羽絨外套所象徵的冒險精神,The North Face 將K11 Art Mall Piazza 露天廣場化身成喜馬拉雅山基地營,甫踏入 Piazza 露天廣場便會見到大型 The North Face 品牌標誌燈箱,現場以露營帳篷及仿雪堆營造出冰山氛圍,而展覽正中間則設置一座 4 米高的巨型身穿經典喜馬拉雅羽絨的探險家充氣公仔作為亮點,免費開放予公眾拍照打卡。此外,沿著雪堆亦可看到喜馬拉雅羽絨外套過去 30 年的發展里程碑,並展示出全新 2024 喜馬拉雅羽絨外套三十周年紀念版,讓大眾能夠親身感受 The North Face 永不停止的探索精神。
展覽期間,The North Face 亦特意為 XPLR PASS 探索通會員推出專享獨家禮遇。XPLR PASS 探索通現有特選會員可優先登記出席 The North Face HIMALAYAN PARKA 30ᵗʰ 期間限定展覽,並參加喜馬拉雅探險家環保鎖匙扣工作坊,製作你的專屬「喜馬拉雅探險家」鎖匙扣。名額有限,報名從速
於 11 月 3-10 日期間,親臨 The North Face HIMALAYAN PARKA 30ᵗʰ 期間限定展覽,現場加入成為 XPLR PASS 探索通會員,或於 K11 Art Mall 門市消費滿港幣$1,800,即可報名參加喜馬拉雅探險家環保鎖匙扣工作坊(每日場次名額有限,以現場安排為主),並獲得一次夾公仔的機會,贏取豐富獎品。獎品種類繁多,包括喜馬拉雅羽絨外套造型多功能小袋子等等驚喜禮品。數量有限,送完即止。
The North Face HIMALAYAN PARKA 30ᵗʰ Anniversary Exhibition
Date: 3 - 10 November, 2024
Location:K11 Art Mall Piazza, Tsim Sha Tsui
Operating Hours: 11AM‒8PM
Please visit The North Face official Facebook and Instagram page for workshop timeslots and details
Whether on the rugged peaks of mountains or the bustling streets of cities, The North Face Himalayan Parka has been leading the path of exploration for 30 years. With a vision for exploration and boundless creativity, the brand continues to integrate innovative technology and outdoor expertise, breaking through geographical limitations. We hope to continue to accompany explorers to "Face The North Face”, unlocking more unforgettable adventures and embracing greater unknown challenges ahead. The 2024 Himalayan Parka collection is now available at The North Face Concept Stores and Exploration Concept Store, The North Face official app and website.
The North Face HIMALAYAN PARKA 30ᵗʰ 期間限定展覽
日期:2024 年 11 月 3 日 - 10 日
地點:尖沙咀 K11 Art Mall Piazza 露天廣場
展覽時間:上午 11 時至晚上 8 時(免費開放予公眾)
請留意 The North Face Hong Kong 官方 Facebook 及 Instagram 專頁公佈工作坊舉行時間
無論是從嚴峻的山峰巔征途到,還是繁華的城市街頭,The North Face 喜馬拉雅羽絨外套三十年來,一直引領探索之路。以遠見探索與無界創想品牌亦堅持繼續融合創新科技和戶外專業精神,突破疆域界限與常規,陪伴探索者 「Face The North Face」,解鎖更多難忘探險之旅,開闢另一面,迎接更多未知的挑戰宏偉征途。 The North Face 全新 2024 喜馬拉雅羽絨外套系列陸續登陸 The North Face 品牌探索概念店 及 The North Face 品牌概念店、品牌官方程式及網站。
XPLR PASS early registration access:
Register "Himalayan Explorer" keychain workshop
The registration period is from now until 12:00 noon on November 5, 2024
XPLR Pass member registration link:Click to register
(* If you are not an XPLR Pass member yet, you can first register as a member, and then fill in the registration link to register.)
XPLR PASS 探索通會員獨家禮遇:
XPLR Pass會員限定報名連結:點此報名
(*若還不是XPLR Pass會員,可先註冊為會員,再填寫報名連結報名。)
Wherever you are, never stop exploring.