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The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2024 Open for General Registration on July 17

The North Face 100 香港越野跑挑戰賽2024

Introducing 14K Race, 55K Race, and 100K Relay Races for the First Time
Embark on a Brand-New Route Starting at Lam Tsuen Wishing Square to Experience the Essence of Hong Kong’s Natural Beauty
Together We Face The North Face and Never Stop Exploring

由大埔林村許願廣場出發 踏足全新路線 感受香港山野之美
與The North Face一同直面挑戰 探索更高更深的山野

#TheNorthFaceHK #NeverStopExploring #TheNorthFace100 #TNF100HK #FaceTheNorthFace #SummitSeries

(15 July 2024, Hong Kong) The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2024 (TNF 100 Hong Kong) is making a triumphant comeback this December, offering an exhilarating experience like never before! This year, the TNF 100 Hong Kong is set to take place from December 13 to 15 (Friday to Sunday) and will begin and finish at Lam Tsuen Wishing Square, a revered landmark with rich cultural heritage in Hong Kong. Following the enthusiastic response from participants last year, the race will continue to feature three thrilling trails of varying distances. Apart from the standard 100K race, the 16K and 50K races have been revamped into 14K and 55K races respectively. Additionally, a brand-new 100K relay race has been added to the event, inviting participants to take on an exhilarating team challenge. Moreover, this year's event unveils exciting new routes, providing participants with fresh and invigorating trail running experiences. These new races aim to offer trail runners from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to gather and share their passion for running. Together, we join hands with runners to Face The North Face, and Never Stop Exploring the wonders of nature and our own capabilities.

[2024年7月15日,香港] The North Face 100 香港越野跑挑戰賽2024(TNF 100 香港越野跑挑戰賽)將於今年12月以新面貌回歸! 今屆TNF 100 香港越野跑挑戰賽將於12月13日至15日(星期五至日)隆重舉行,並將起點及終點定於香港本土歷史豐厚的大埔林村許願廣場。有見上屆比賽反應熱烈,今年逐保留3種不同距離的越野賽 — 除了原有的100公里挑戰賽,去年的16公里賽及50公里賽將革新為14公里賽及55公里賽,更推出全新100公里隊際接力賽,以及採用全新路線,讓一眾經驗不同、卻同樣熱愛山野的跑手透過TNF 100 香港越野跑挑戰賽連繫彼此,一同直面挑戰,向山野更進一步,探索自然以至自我的更多可能。

Additions to The TNF 100 Hong Kong: Introducing the First-Ever 14K, 55K, and 100K Relay Races
TNF 100香港越野跑挑戰賽添新元素:首設14公里、55公里賽及100公里隊際接力賽

Since 2013, The North Face has been passionately promoting trail running through the TNF 100 Hong Kong. Upholding their mission of "Never Stop Exploring," this event encourages the public to step out of the bustling city to explore the essence of Hong Kong's natural beauty, and challenge themselves by pushing beyond limits.

With the growing awareness of outdoor exploration and well-being, The North Face continuously explores new possibilities to create memorable trail running experiences for runners. As the event approaches its 10th anniversary, exciting additions have been made to the race line up.

In addition to the standard 100K race, this edition introduces brand-new 14K and 55K courses. These additions aim to attract new runners while challenging experienced runners to push themselves further. Additionally, a 100K Relay Race has been included for the first time, allowing participants to form mixed gender teams of four. Each team member will contribute their expertise to complete the course together, highlighting that trail running is not only an individual sport but also a collective endeavour that fosters connections and encourages the spirit of sportsmanship.

A total of 2,500 slots are available for all three races, with 1,200 slots for the 14K race, 800 slots for the 55K race, 500 slots for the 100K race and 25 teams (each consisting of four participants and must be mixed genders). General registration for these new challenges opens on July 17 at 4:00 PM.

秉持「探索永不停止」精神的The North Face自2013 年起一直透過TNF 100香港越野跑挑戰賽推廣越野跑運動,帶領大眾從城市的喧囂走到郊外的寧靜,踏足山野,探索無邊野外及自我極限。隨著這項運動蔚然成風,The North Face亦在探索中不斷進階突破,更進一步,希望能讓跑手們擁有深刻獨特的越野跑體驗。踏入十周年,TNF 100香港越野跑挑戰賽今年除了傳統的100公里賽,亦推出14公里賽及55公里賽,鼓勵更多越野跑新手一試身手,同時挑戰較有經驗的跑手邁進一步,跑得更遠。此外,今年更首度增設100公里隊際接力賽,邀請男女子跑手以4人組成一隊,發揮各自所長,接力完成100公里賽事,切實體現越野跑並非局限於個人,而是一項有同伴互相激勵、相伴前行的運動。今屆三項個人賽事名額合共2,500個(14公里名額1200個、55公里名額800個、100公里名額500個),100公里隊際接力賽名額則為25隊(只限4名男女子混合組成隊伍)。所有賽事均於7月17日下午4時正式開放所有人士報名。

Explore Hong Kong’s Outdoors from Fresh Angles via the Brand-New TNF 100 Hong Kong Route Starting at The Lam Tsuen Wishing Square
由林村許願廣場出發 全新路線帶領跑手以不同角度探索香港山野

The varied topography of Hong Kong offers an exhilarating and challenging environment for trail running enthusiasts. This year’s TNF 100 Hong Kong features a brand-new route that allows runners to explore the serene outskirts of Hong Kong from various angles, creating a truly unique and memorable trail running experience.

All races will start and finish at the Lam Tsuen Wishing Square, a significant cultural heritage site symbolizing good fortune. The 100K individual and relay races will kick off at 10:00PM on December 13, allowing racers to uncover the peaceful and tranquil side of Hong Kong and explore its nighttime beauty. In the 100K race, racers will begin by surmounting Pak Tai To Yan and navigating the challenging Long Shan route. After passing the Hok Tau Reservoir, they will rapidly ascend to the Ping Fung Shan and Wong Leng area. Climbing through the mountainous Pat Sin Leng, they will then make a gradual descent towards the Wu Kau Tang Campsite. Passing by several serene ancient villages in the northeastern part of Hong Kong, including Lai Chi Wo, Luk Keng, So Lo Pun and Yung Shue Au, they will arrive back at sea level in Luk Keng before climbing back along the ridgeline of Wong Leng and Ping Fung Shan. Crossing Cloudy Hill, they will conquer Tai Mo Shan, Hong Kong’s highest point, via the Lung Mun Country Trail. After enjoying these scenic stretches, they will enter the peaceful Lam Tsuen Valley and pass through Ng Tung Chai. After conquering the challenging ascents of Tai To Yan and running a gorgeous ridge to Pak Tai To Yan, they will pass through Ngau Kwu Leng Trail and descend to the finishing line back at Lam Tsuen Wishing Square.

In the 55K challenge, racers will start at 8:00AM on December 14, surmounting Pak Tai To Yan and traversing Cloudy Hill through the Wilson Trail. They will then merge with the 100K racers and compete on the same remaining course to the finishing line. Meanwhile, the 14K race racers will start at 9:00AM on December 15, first passing through the Ngau Kwu Leng Trail and ascending Pak Tai To Yan, rewarded with spectacular views along the way.

香港坐擁多種不同地形面貌,景觀壯麗開揚且富挑戰性的越野環境吸引不少戶外及越野跑愛好者踏足探索。今年,TNF 100香港越野跑挑戰賽採用全新路線,帶領跑手以不同角度探索香港山野,重新感受及發掘這些地方的不同面貌,擁有不一樣的越野跑新體驗。是次所有賽事的起點及終點均遷移至香港的許願勝地 — 大埔林村許願廣場,為賽事注入香港傳統文化色彩,同時承載美好期盼。100公里個人賽及隊際接力賽將於12月13日晚上10時起跑,讓跑手們在山野間探索香港的晝夜之美,選手先翻越北大刀屻及富挑戰的龍山,經鶴藪水塘急速爬升至屏風山、黃嶺一帶,攀登此起彼伏的八仙嶺,繼而緩緩下降至烏蛟騰,進入香港最東北角的一些寧靜古村,其中包括荔枝窩、鎖羅盤和榕樹凹等。到了鹿頸後從海岸線再登黃嶺、屏風山,選手會在翻過九龍坑山時再經龍門郊遊徑登上香港最高點 — 大帽山。一路過來是景觀開揚的路段,但隨後會往寧靜的林村谷裡穿過梧桐寨,再而登上大刀屻,後沿秀麗的稜線再登北大刀屻,最後經牛牯嶺徑下降至林村許願廣場衝線。而55公里賽將於12月14日早上8時起跑,同樣先翻越北大刀屻,沿衛弈信徑翻過九龍坑山,此時匯合100公里選手踏足相同路段,先經龍門登上大帽山,再經梧桐寨及大刀屻等地跑返終點。14公里賽則於12月15日早上9時選手會先踏上牛牯嶺徑,往蝴蝶山方向進入營盤,亦會登上景色壯麗的北大刀屻。
Attractive Prize Pool Totalling HK$60,000 Awaits Local and Global Racers
比賽總獎金高達港幣60,000元 號召全球及本地知名跑手參賽

The TNF 100 Hong Kong continues to attract the support and participation of renowned international and local trail racers, including Stone Tsang, Angie Yan, Kimmy Leung, as well as emerging stars Harmony Lam and Rex Lo. In addition to valuable prizes awarded to winners across all categories, the 100K Challenge this year offers a total prize pool of HK$60,000 for the top three male and female finishers. Furthermore, the top ten ranked racers in each category, along with the top three teams in the 100K Relay Race, will receive shopping vouchers from The North Face and other attractive prizes. These prizes are designed to incentivize international elite runners to join forces with The North Face and engage in thrilling competition.

今屆TNF 100香港越野跑挑戰賽繼續號召了全球及本地的賽跑好手支持參賽,當中包括經驗豐富的越野跑好手曾小強、甄智貽、梁康翹,亦有越野跑新星林楚茹及羅樂賢等。是次獎品亦非常豐富,今屆100公里賽男女子組別的冠、亞、季軍將獲頒獎金,總獎金高達港幣60,000元,三項個人賽的首十名選手及接力賽的首三名隊伍亦將獲頒The North Face購物現金券,以及其他豐富獎品,相信可以吸引更多來自世界各地的優秀選手參加,與The North Face並肩作戰。

The organizer of the TNF 100 Hong Kong said, “We are happy to witness the growing popularity of trail running among Hong Kongers. Approaching the 10th anniversary of the TNF 100 Hong Kong, we’re still holding strong to our beliefs, and hope to continue to promote this sport. Our goal is to provide a unique trail running experience and push the boundaries of participants; to achieve this, we re-routed the trails and added new event categories. Through the race, we want to inspire the public to embrace the spirit of adventure, enjoy the essence of natural scenary of Hong Kong and Never Stop Exploring with The North Face.”

TNF 100 香港越野跑挑戰賽負責人表示:「我們很高興見證越野賽跑運動逐漸走進香港大眾的視野。踏入TNF 100 香港越野跑挑戰賽的十周年,我們秉持初心,繼續不遺餘力推廣這項運動,同時希望能更進一步,從比賽路線及項目上為跑手帶來不一樣的越野賽體驗,同時藉著TNF 100 香港越野跑挑戰賽,鼓勵大眾與The North Face一同探索香港的自然面貌,享受山野之樂。」
General Registration opens on July 17
TNF 100香港越野跑挑戰賽於7月17日正式公開接受報名

All race categories will be open for general registration on July 17 (Wednesday) at 4:00 PM. All races will be available for registration on a first-come, first-served basis. An Early Bird offer will be available for all individual races until September 1. Additionally, last year’s TNF 100 Hong Kong participants can now access priority registration for all individual races of TNF 100 Hong Kong 2024.

所有賽事將於7月17日(星期三)下午4時正式開放予所有人士報名,以先到先得形式進行登記報名,直至額滿為止,9月1日前報名個人項目賽事可享早鳥優惠,而去年TNF 100 香港越野跑挑戰賽的參賽者更可於即日起優先登記報名任何個人項目賽事。
Race & Registration Details:
Race Application Fee (HKD)
Application Fee (HKD) Application Date and Time
Race Date and Time
14K(公里) $380 (Payment on or before 31 Aug)(8月31日或之前繳付)
$480 (Payment on or after 1 Sept)(9月1日或之後繳付)
17 Jul 4:00PM

*All individual races of the TNF 100 Hong Kong 2024 are now open for priority registration by last year’s TNF 100 Hong Kong participants.
所有個人項目賽事即日起開放予去年TNF 100香港越野跑挑戰賽的參賽者優先登記報名
15 Dec 2024 9:00 AM
55K(公里) $750 (Payment on or before 31 Aug)(8月31日或之前繳付)
$900 (Payment on or after 1 Sept)(9月1日或之後繳付)
14 Dec 2024 8:00 AM
12月14日 早上8時
100K(公里) $1,450 (Payment on or before 31 Aug)(8月31日或之前繳付)
$1,650 (Payment on or after 1 Sept)(9月1日或之後繳付)
13 Dec 2024 10:00 PM
12月13日 晚上10時
100K Relay Race
$1800 25 Teams (隊)

* 100K racers are required to provide a proof of completing any 100K race within 27 hours in the past three years. However, considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, organizers will also accept virtual race records of completing 100K within 27 hours during the same period. Moreover, they will also consider accepting finishing records from races completed before the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019. Racers in the 55-kilometer race, 14-kilometer race and 100-kilometer relay on the other hand, are not required to submit any proof of completion.
* 100公里參賽者必須出示過去三年於27小時內完成一場100公里比賽的証明。茲因2019新冠疫情,主辦單位會考慮接受過去三年間27小時內完成100公里虛擬賽記錄証明。此外,也會考慮接受2019新冠疫情前的完賽記錄証明。14公里、55公里和100公里隊際接力賽參賽者則無需出示任何完賽証明。

* Applicants may apply to any or all of the race distances as they choose but may only apply one time to each distance. Each applicant will be identified by their Hong Kong Identity Card or passport number. Submission of more than one form to the same distance by the same individual(s) is prohibited. If this occurs, all relevant applications will be rendered void.
* 每位參加者可以報名參加今屆多場比賽,但每場比賽只可遞交一份報名表格,如有重複遞交表格 (按香港身份證或護照號碼核對身分) 沒或填報資料不齊者,該參加者資格將被取消。


For more information, please refer to the official web site:

About The North Face®
關於The North Face®

Founded in 1966, The North Face is a major company of VF Corporation headquartered in Denver, Colorado, USA. It commits to serving outdoor athletes with professional equipment needed for every hard exploration. The North Face is named for the colder, the more unforgiving side of a mountain. Its logo draws inspiration from Half Dome, in Yosemite National Park, California. The North Face is its Chinese name, which means the utmost courage to challenge and explore. In 1997, The North Face applied a brand new mantra — Never Stop Exploring. It’s deeply rooted in the brand’s DNA as the most important motto. As a globally leading outdoor company, The North Face provides products tested by professional athletes and meeting needs of the outdoors, dedicated to exploring and challenging the limitation of human potentiality. Meanwhile, The North Face has always striven for the preservation of the environment. Through sustainable development programs, it works hard to reduce the negative impact of human activities on the environment. Its product offerings are available in retailers of professional sports brands across the globe. For more information about the brand, please visit or contact us directly.

The North Face於1966年成立,是美國上市公司VF集團的重要一員,總部位於美國科羅拉多州的丹佛市內,一直致力於為戶外運動員的每一次嚴酷探險提供專業裝備。「The North Face」這個名字源自於北部更寒冷和更難以攀登的山脈。品牌標誌則來自Half Dome,一座位於美國加州Yosemite National Park(優勝美地國家公園)裡的山峰,中文名字取為「北面」,象征著最難最險的戶外探索精神。1997年,The North Face採用全新的宣傳標語「Never Stop Exploring 探索永不停止」,體現品牌的探索精神,並成為品牌最重要的座右銘。作為領導全球的戶外運動品牌,The North Face以經過專業運動員測試,適應各類戶外需求的產品,致力探索及挑戰人類潛能的極限;與此同時,品牌致力於保護戶外環境,通過各類可持續發展方案,降低人類對自然環境所產生的影響。The North Face產品於全球各地的優質專業運動零售商有售。

有關更多詳情,請瀏覽 獲得更多品牌消息。

This press release is delivered by MSL Hong Kong on behalf of The North Face
此新聞稿由MSL Hong Kong代表The North Face發布。

For media enquires, please contact MSL Hong Kong:
傳媒垂詢,請聯絡MSL Hong Kong:
Rebecca Tam Email 電郵:[email protected] Tel 電話: 2804 8163
Phoebe Leung Email 電郵:[email protected] Tel 電話: 2804 8122
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1,800 Top International and Local Runners Gathered to Conquer the Mountains Together 

1,800 Top International and Local Runners Gathered to Conquer the Mountains Together

[December 10, 2023, Hong Kong] Carrying on the momentum of the race in March, the brandnew edition of The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2023 (TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge) was successfully held from December 8 to 10 at Tai Mei Tuk in Tai Po. This year’s race brought together 1,800 runners from various countries and regions. The 100km race was started at 10 p.m. for the first time, allowing participants to discover the serene and tranquil side of Hong Kong, and explore the beauty of the city’s nighttime.

In addition, a new 16km race was introduced. Both elite runners and beginners in trail running sprinted through the mountains, challenging their own limits and competing for the championship, and fully embodying the spirit of “Never Stop Exploring” by The North Face!

The competition in the 100km race was intense, with John Ray Onifa and Sunmaya Budha crowned champions
This year, TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge featured a total of three races, allowing runners of all levels to participate and enjoy the thrill of mountain trail racing together. In the men's 100km race, John Ray Onifa crossed the finish line with an impressive time of 11 hours, 57 minutes and 16 seconds, securing the title. The second and third places were claimed by Guillaume Perrot and Arjun Rai Kulung respectively. In the women's category, Sunmaya Budha dominated the race with a time of 14 hours and 40 minutes, securing a commanding victory. The second and third places were won by Man Yee Cheung and Angie Yan respectively.

Cash prizes were introduced to TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge. The top three male and female runners who completed the 100km race were awarded HKD15,000 (Champion), HKD10,000 (2nd place), and HKD8,000 (3rd place) respectively, along with The North Face shopping vouchers. Additionally, the first 500 runners who completed the 100km race received a special limited-edition TNF100 hoodie as a commemorative reward.

The fastest to cross the finish line in the 50km race achieved a time of 5 hours, 44 minutes and 58 seconds
In the 50km race, Stone Tsang won the championship in the men's category with a time of 5 hours, 44 minutes and 58 seconds. Tsz Hong Tam and Hong Luk won the second and third place respectively. In the women's category, Cho Yu Lam won the championship with 6 hours, 29 minutes and 36 seconds. Tsz Kei Wong and Tsz Kwan Lee won the second and third place respectively.

The newly introduced 16km race attracted over 400 registers
The inaugural 16km race in this edition garnered over 400 registrations. In the men’s category, Rex Lo emerged as the race’s first-ever champion with a time of 1 hour, 21 minutes and 51 seconds. The second and third places were secured by Tsz Wai Yu and Shiu Lun Yeung respectively. In the women’s category, Katherine Lim clinched the championship with a time of 1 hour, 53 minutes and 19 seconds. The second and third places were secured by Po Yuk To and Phoebe Mak respectively.

Celebrating post-race at “TNF Base Camp” with two check-in spots and a screen-printed eco bag DIY workshop
To celebrate the joy of completing the race and the resilience shown by each runner in pushing their limits, this year’s TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge introduced the TNF Base Camp. It provided a pleasant environment for runners to interact and share their off-road experiences while commemorating their extraordinary achievements. Within the lively TNF Base Camp, runners who have completed the race eagerly checked in and captured memories at the specially designed check-in spots. By simply checking in and obtaining an XPLR Pass, the runners can indulge in the light refreshments provided at the TNF Base Camp to replenish their energy. They can also participate in a screen-printed eco bag DIY workshop, ensuring that the memories of the TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge will be preserved forever. TNF Base Camp exuded a festive spirit, bringing to the challenge a vibrant and celebratory atmosphere.

International and local elitesled runnersin conquering mountains and surpassing their own limits
This year’s competition attracted various renowned Asian racers, including Nepalese legendary female racer Sunmaya Budha (100km), Nepalese long-reigning trail run champion 3 Arjun Rai Kulung (100km), and Taiwan’s trail running icon Chou Ching (50km). In addition, local runners including “Mountain Master” Stone Tsang (50km), local singer Leung Chi Fung (16km), and Hong Kong top trail runner Wong Ho Chung (16km) also joined the league of runners to push boundaries and challenge themselves.

As a sponsored athlete of TNF, Wong Ho Chung chose to participate in the newly introduced 16km race of TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge. Assuming the role of a mentor, he said: “I am honoured to continue participating in the race as a sponsored athlete of TNF. When I first learned that TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge would introduce a 16km race, I eagerly hoped to accompany and guide novice trail runners to face the sport’s various challenges as a mentor, since I am aware that it requires higher physical endurance and presents greater difficulty compared to regular marathons for those who are new to trail running. Besides, I also aspire to pass on the spirit of this sport and allow everyone to experience the joy of trail running.”

The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2023 Final Results
*The final results are subject to the conference website:

100 KM
Ranking Male Female
1st Place John Ray Onifa
(11 hours, 57 minutes and 16 seconds)
Sunmaya Budha
(14 hours and 40 minute)
2nd Place Guillaume Perrot
(14 hours, 03 minutes and 09 seconds)
Man Yee Cheung
(14 hours, 59 minutes and 02 seconds)
3rd Place Arjun Rai Kulung
(14 hours, 47 minutes and 26 seconds)
Angie Yan
(16 hours, 25 minutes and 31 seconds)

50 KM
Ranking Male Female
1st Place Stone Tsang
(05 hours, 44 minutes and 58 seconds)
Cho Yu Lam
(06 hours, 29 minutes and 36 minute)
2nd Place Tsz Hong Tam
(05 hours, 48 minutes and 51 seconds)
Tsz Kei Wong
(06 hours, 42 minutes and 40 seconds)
3rd Place Hong Luk
(06 hours, 08 minutes and 11 seconds)
Tsz Kwan Lee
(06 hours, 49 minutes and 40 seconds)

16 KM
Ranking Male Female
1st Place Rex Lo
(01 hour, 21 minutes and 51 seconds)
Katherine Lim
(01 hour, 53 minutes and 19 seconds)
2nd Place Tsz Wai Yu
(01 hour, 32 minutes and 49 seconds)
Po Yuk To
(02 hours, 00 minute and 17 seconds)
3rd Place Shiu Lun Yeung
(01 hour, 38 minutes and 17 seconds)
Phoebe Mak
(02 hours, 00 minute and 50 seconds)


“The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2023” 100km race started at 10:00 pm on 8 December. For the first time, the race started at night.
“The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2023” 50km and 16km races started on the morning of 9 December. Let's run together!
The 100km runner started at Aqua Pearl in the evening and immediately passed the “The North Face” sign projected onto the mountain. The spectacle symbolized The North Face’s motto, “Never Stop Exploring”.
The starting point and finish line for all races were located at Aqua Pearl in Tai Po. For the 100km race, runners first ascended to Pat Sin Leng, traversing along the ridge to Wong Leng and Ping Feng Shan. After crossing Cloudy Hill, they continued through the Lung Mun Country Trail and ascended to the highest point in Hong Kong, Tai Mo Shan.
In the men's 100km race, John Ray Onifa crossed the finish line with an impressive time of 11 hours, 57 minutes and 16 seconds, securing the title.
The men’s 100km race winners:1st Place John Ray Onifa (2nd Left), 2nd Place Guillaume Perrot (Middle), 3rd Place Arjun Rai Kulung (1st Left).
Sunmaya Budha dominated the women’s 100km race with a time of 14 hours and 40 minutes, securing a commanding victory.
The women’s 100km race winners:1st Place Sunmaya Budha (Middle), 2nd Place Man Yee Cheung (Right), 3rd Place Angie Yan (Left).
Stone Tsang won the men's 50km race with a time of 05 hours, 44 minutes and 58 seconds.
The men’s 50km race winners:1st Place Stone Tsang (Middle), 2nd Place Tsz Hong Tam (Right), 3rd Place Hong Luk (Left).
Cho Yu Lam won the women’s 50km race with a time of 06 hours, 29 minutes and 36 seconds.
The women’s 50km race winners:1st Place Cho Yu Lam (Middle), 2nd Place Tsz Kei Wong (Left), 3rd Place Tsz Kwan Lee (Right).
Rex Lo won the men's 16km race with a time of 1 hour, 21 minutes 51 seconds.
The men’s 16km race winners:1st Place Rex Lo (2nd Right), 2nd Place Tsz Wai Yu (Right), 3rd Place Shiu Lun Yeung (Middle).
Katherine Lim won the women’s 16km race with a time of 1 hour, 53 minutes 19 seconds.
The women’s 16km race winners:1st Place Katherine Lim (Middle), 2nd Place Po Yuk To (2nd Right), 3rd Place Phoebe Mak (1st Right).
Singer Leung Chiu Fung once again participated in The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2023 after the Hong Kong race in March and the Taipei race in June. Chi Fung participated in the 16km race this time and crossed the finish line with a time of 2 hours, 17 minutes and 40 seconds.
The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2023 has added TNF Base Camp to provide refreshments and replenish runners’ energy.
A group of runners were enjoying the screen-printed eco bag DIY workshop at TNF Base Camp.

“The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2023” 100km race started at 10:00 pm on 8 December. For the first time, the race started at night.

“The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2023” 50km and 16km races started on the morning of 9 December. Let's run together!

The 100km runner started at Aqua Pearl in the evening and immediately passed the “The North Face” sign projected onto the mountain. The spectacle symbolized The North Face’s motto, “Never Stop Exploring”

The starting point and finish line for all races were located at Aqua Pearl in Tai Po. For the 100km race, runners first ascended to Pat Sin Leng, traversing along the ridge to Wong Leng and Ping Feng Shan. After crossing Cloudy Hill, they continued through the Lung Mun Country Trail and ascended to the highest point in Hong Kong, Tai Mo Shan.

In the men's 100km race, John Ray Onifa crossed the finish line with an impressive time of 11 hours, 57 minutes and 16 seconds, securing the title.

The men’s 100km race winners:1st Place John Ray Onifa (2nd Left), 2nd Place Guillaume Perrot (Middle), 3rd Place Arjun Rai Kulung (1st Left).

Sunmaya Budha dominated the women’s 100km race with a time of 14 hours and 40 minutes, securing a commanding victory.

The women’s 100km race winners:1st Place Sunmaya Budha (Middle), 2nd Place Man Yee Cheung (Right), 3rd Place Angie Yan (Left).

Stone Tsang won the men's 50km race with a time of 05 hours, 44 minutes and 58 seconds.

The men’s 50km race winners:1st Place Stone Tsang (Middle), 2nd Place Tsz Hong Tam (Right), 3rd Place Hong Luk (Left).

Cho Yu Lam won the women’s 50km race with a time of 06 hours, 29 minutes and 36 seconds.

The women’s 50km race winners:1st Place Cho Yu Lam (Middle), 2nd Place Tsz Kei Wong (Left), 3rd Place Tsz Kwan Lee (Right).

Rex Lo won the men's 16km race with a time of 1 hour, 21 minutes 51 seconds.

The men’s 16km race winners:1st Place Rex Lo (2nd Right), 2nd Place Tsz Wai Yu (Right), 3rd Place Shiu Lun Yeung (Middle).

Katherine Lim won the women’s 16km race with a time of 1 hour, 53 minutes 19 seconds.

The women’s 16km race winners:1st Place Katherine Lim (Middle), 2nd Place Po Yuk To (2nd Right), 3rd Place Phoebe Mak (1st Right).

Singer Leung Chiu Fung once again participated in The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2023 after the Hong Kong race in March and the Taipei race in June. Chi Fung participated in the 16km race this time and crossed the finish line with a time of 2 hours, 17 minutes and 40 seconds.

The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2023 has added TNF Base Camp to provide refreshments and replenish runners’ energy.

A group of runners were enjoying the screen-printed eco bag DIY workshop at TNF Base Camp.

About The North Face®

Founded in 1966, The North Face is a major company of VF Corporation headquartered in Denver, Colorado, USA. It commits to serving outdoor athletes with professional equipment needed for every hard exploration. The North Face is named for the coldest, most unforgiving side of a mountain. Its logo draws inspiration from Half Dome, in Yosemite National Park, California. The North Face is its Chinese name, which means the utmost courage to challenge and explore. In 1997, The North Face applied a brand new mantra—Never Stop Exploring. It’s deeply rooted in the brand’s DNA as the most important motto. As a globally leading outdoor company, The North Face provides products tested by professional athletes and meeting needs of the outdoors, dedicated to exploring and challenging the limitation of human potentiality. Meanwhile, The North Face has always striven for the preservation of the environment. Through sustainable development programs, it works hard to reduce the negative impact of human activities on the environment. Its product offerings are available in retailers of professional sports brands across the globe. For more details, please visit or contact us for more brand news.

For more information, please visit

Issued on behalf of the The North Face by MSL. For media inquiries, please contact MSL Hong Kong:
Rebecca Tam Email: [email protected] Tel: 2804 8163
Geffron Au Yeung Email: [email protected] Tel: 2804 8146
Rachel Lau Email: [email protected] Tel: 2804 8148

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TNF100 Course Route Changes Update

Never Stop Exploring with The North Face

#thenorthfacehk #neverstopexploring #TheNorthFace100 #TNF100HK 

[TNF100 Course Route Changes]

*Please note that we are currently awaiting the final approval and confirmation from the relevant government departments.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and sincerely appreciate your understanding.
Due to ongoing trail maintenance following September's storms, we have had to make the below adjustments.

100 km Route:
The first 4 sections of the course remain unchanged. However, due to a dangerous landslide over the original Section 6 over Lung Shan, it is necessary to reroute Sections 5 and 6. From the top of Pak Tai To Yan on Section 5, the route now follows the Ngau Kwu Leng Trail to Lam Tsuen Wishing Square and then the bicycle path along Tai Po Road to Tai Po Tau where the CP will be set up at the base of Cloudy Hill. This new routing is 12.4 km compared to the original 8.7 km, but is much more runnable after Pak Tai To Yan. The new Section 6 will ascend Cloudy Hill and follow the Wilson Trail as far as the Lau Shui Heung Country Trail split down to Lau Shui Heung Reservoir and onto Hok Tau Reservoir Barbecue Area.The new section is 7.5 km long, but far less rough than Long Shan.
The Nam Chung Country Trail (Section 7) is closed. After completing the Hok Tau Family Walk, racers will need to go back to Wong Leng over Ping Feng Shan (Section 1 in reverse) before heading to Luk Keng (avoiding Pat Sin Leng). The new section is 11.2 km and contains more altitude gain, so we have increased the allowed section time to 3.5 hours.
With the Wu Kau Tang - Bride's Pool Trail also closed, we have had to move and combine the next two checkpoints at the intersection of Bride's Pool Road and Wu Kau Tang Road. There will still be a 14.7 km loop from Luk Keng to this checkpoint, followed by 9 km of mostly contour trails toward the finish line. Estimated new distance: 100.3 km and +/- 5,350 meters vertical.

50 km Route:
AFCD expressed concerns about crowding out hikers on Ping Feng Shan so the course will now turn from Wong Leng directly to Luk Keng (~11.5 km with a 4-hour cut off time).
The second section goes through the old Northeast New Territory villages of Kuk Po, Yung Shue Au, So Lo Pun, and Lai Chi Wo to finish in Wu Kau Tang Village (~13.7 km with a 4-hour section cut off time).
From this checkpoint the course goes via Lai Tau Shek, Sam A Tsuen, Ha Miu Tin and Ma Tau Feng to rejoin the 100 km route the Wu Kau Tang-Bride’s Pool Intersection CP (~11.5 km with a 4-hour section cut off time).
Finally there is a 9 km mostly contour trails toward the finish line. Estimated new distance: 46 km and +/- 2,175 meters vertical.

16 km Route:
The direction of the route has been reversed to a counter-clockwise loop. A short section of running is required along Bride's Pool Road to reach the checkpoint at the intersection of Bride's Pool Road and Wu Kau Tang Road (~6.6 km), followed by 9 km of mostly contour trails toward the finish line.
Estimated new distance: 15.6 km and +/- 800 meters vertical.



100 公里路線:
南涌郊遊徑(第 7 段)已經關閉,因此,完成鶴藪郊遊徑後,跑手需要返回屏風山至黃嶺(第 1 段反向路段),然後前往鹿頸(避開八仙嶺)。新賽段全長 11.2 公里(比舊賽段長 3 公里),海拔升高較多,因此我們將該賽段的完成時間延長至 3.5 小時。
由於烏蛟騰-新娘潭教育徑已經關閉,我們不得不移動並合併位於新娘潭路和烏蛟騰路交叉口下的兩個檢查站。從鹿頸到此檢查站仍將有一個 14.7 公里的環路,然後以9 公里長的等高線山路為終點。
預計新距離 : 100.3 公里,垂直高度 +/- 5,350 公尺。

50 公里路線:
由於漁農自然護理署 (AFCD) 擔心屏風山的行山人士擠擁的問題,因此路線現將從黃嶺直接到達鹿頸(路程約 11.5 公里,路段截止時間為 4 小時)。
第 2 段路線途經新界東北村落,包括谷埔、榕樹凹、鎖羅盆及荔枝窩,終點為烏蛟騰村(路程約 13.7 公里,路段截止時間為 4 小時)。
從此檢查站出發,路線途徑犁頭石、三椏村、下苗田、馬頭峰,然後到達新娘潭路和烏蛟騰路交叉口下的檢查站(路程約 11.5 公里,路段截止時間為 4 小時)。
最後經過 9 公里長的環形賽道後為終點。
預計新距離 : 46 公里,垂直高度 +/- 2,175 公尺。

16 公里路線:
路線方向改為逆時針環形,需要沿著新娘潭路跑一小段路,才能到達位於新娘潭路與烏蛟騰路交叉口的檢查站(約 6.6 公里),然後以 9 公里長的等高線山路為終點。
預計新距離 : 15.6 公里,垂直距離 +/- 800 公尺。

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Latest Update on The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2023 Race Route Adjustment

Never Stop Exploring with The North Face

#thenorthfacehk #neverstopexploring #TheNorthFace100 #TNF100HK 

*Latest Update on The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2023 Race Route Adjustment*

We are currently awaiting the final approval and confirmation from the relevant government departments. We will announce the finalized race route and provide all the related details by this Wednesday (November 29). We kindly request all participating runners to exercise patience and stay tuned to The North Face's social media platforms for the most updated information. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and sincerely appreciate your understanding.

*The North Face 100香港越野挑戰賽2023路線調整最新消息*

我們仍在等待政府相關部門的最終審批和確認。主辦單位最快會於本周三(11月29日)公佈最終比賽路線及相關詳情。敬請各位跑手耐心等待及留意The North Face社交平台更新最新消息,不便之處,敬請見諒。

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著名本地風景攝影 Kelvin Yuen 走入 The North Face 100 香港越野跑挑戰賽賽道
揭開四大行山極罕隱世秘景 體驗山林之美

圖 1:於大帽山山頂拍攝的日出,絢麗萬分。(請按此下載高清圖片)
相片由@Kelvin Yuen 提供

[2023 年 10 月 11 日,香港] 隨著颱風「小犬」離港,香港終於出太陽啦!在天氣晴朗的日子,當然又是行山的時候!各位山系男女請 get ready!因為 The North Face 100 香港越野跑挑戰賽(TNF 100 香港越野跑挑戰賽)有好路線介紹,更特別夥拍獲獎無數的香港風景 攝影師 Kelvin Yuen,為大家揭開鮮為人知的四大行山隱世秘景!四大隱世秘景均途經 TNF100 香港越野跑挑戰賽的跑道,分別是大帽山的「雲霧日出」、梧桐寨及新娘潭的「磅礴瀑布」、印洲塘的「千島湖景」及八仙嶺和大刀屻的「連綿山脈」!無論是與好友同行打卡,留下美好回憶,抑或是遠離煩囂,開展一場山林之旅,都絕對值得瀟灑走一回!


大帽山乃 TNF 100 香港越野跑挑戰賽 100公里賽的最高峰,秋天之時,除了可以觀賞芒、狗尾草、觀霜,更不容錯過專屬大帽山山頂的雲層變幻之景,以及絢爛日出曙光!作為以「霧」聞名的大帽山,秋冬之時,將近日出時分的觀景絕對能夠用「壯觀」二字形容。日出將至,雲霧翻滾,無邊無垠,城市的喧鬧都被隔絕在白茫茫的雲層之下,唯能隱隱約約見到獅子山的輪廓。直至太陽緩緩從雲層中升起,逐漸染紅天空和雲層,才正式為大帽山的天空披上一層薄薄的金紗。下次計劃登上大帽山,不妨試試在雲霧日出之下,站上山頂最高處的「龜石」打卡,留下和整個天地融合時刻的合照,為絕美背影留倩影。

圖 2-3:壯麗的大帽山山頂的雲層和日出。(請按此下載高清圖片)
相片由@Kelvin Yuen 提供




梧桐寨瀑布坐落大帽山一帶,處於叢林深處,四個主要瀑布周邊均被豐富的梧桐樹包圍。 在秋冬的清晨來到梧桐寨,更有機會因為低氣壓的緣故,觀賞到煙霧繚繞的「雲瀑」。而周圍的梧桐樹同樣已披上薄霧,宛如誤入仙境! 行至高約 30 米的主瀑旁,眼前更如被蒙上一襲白布般,只能感受到流水飛瀉而下的磅礴 氣勢,猶有洗滌心靈之效。


相對於梧桐寨,新娘潭瀑布四季的水量較少,市民鮮少發掘其雨後的驚艷美態!秋季下雨 後(通常是 9 月至 10 月),瀑布的水量有所上升,水流從山峰傾瀉而下,景色極為壯麗 獨特!而新娘潭亦是 TNF 100 香港越野跑挑戰賽 16 公里賽跑手途徑的其中一個重要地點。

圖 4-5:梧桐寨瀑布和山林景觀,宛如誤入仙境。(請按此下載高清圖片)
圖 6:令人驚艷的新娘潭瀑布景色。(請按此下載高清圖片)
相片由@Kelvin Yuen 提供


而有報名 TNF 100 香港越野跑挑戰賽 50 公里及 100 公里賽的跑手有福了!因為千島湖景是該路段的必經路程。而印洲塘是較冷門的行山路徑,作為香港第三個「千島湖」,其湖面寧靜如鏡,清澈見底,倒映出數百個大大小小的山峰輪廓,在陽光的照射下更加美不勝收,令人心曠神怡! 不過,觀賞壯觀的千島湖景需走 13.2 公里路,所以建議盡量選擇秋冬季節來到印洲塘,屆時天氣較乾燥涼爽,能夠更舒適地觀賞美景。

圖 7-9:印洲塘千島湖景,美不勝收。(請按此下載高清圖片)
相片由@Kelvin Yuen 提供



圖 10-11:打卡必備的八仙嶺芒草海與山脈景觀。(請按此下載高清圖片)
圖 12:連綿的大刀屻山脈景觀。(請按此下載高清圖片)
相片由@Kelvin Yuen 提供

關於 The North Face®

The North Face 於 1966 年成立,是美國上市公司 VF 集團的重要一員,總部位於美國科羅拉多州的丹佛市內,一直致力於為戶外運動員的每一次嚴酷探險提供專業裝備。「The North Face」這個名字源自於北部最寒冷和最難以攀登的山脈。品牌標誌則來自 Half Dome,一座位於美國加州 Yosemite National Park(優勝美地國家公園)裡的山峰,中文名字取為「北面」,象征著最難最險的戶外探索精神。1997 年,The North Face 採用全新的宣傳標語「Never Stop Exploring 探索永不停止」,體現品牌的探索精神,並成為品牌最重要的座 右銘。作為領導全球的戶外運動品牌,The North Face 以經過專業運動員測試,適應各類戶外需求的產品,致力探索及挑戰人類潛能的極限;與此同時,品牌致力於保護戶外環境,通過各類可持續發展方案,降低人類對自然環境所產生的影響。The North Face 產品於全球各地的優質專業運動零售商有售。 有關更多詳情,請瀏覽 獲得更多品牌消息。

此新聞稿由 MSL Hong Kong 代表 The North Face 發布。 傳媒垂詢,請聯絡 MSL Hong Kong:
Rebecca Tam 電郵:[email protected] 電話:2804 8163
Geffron Au Yeung 電郵:[email protected] 電話:2804 8146
Rachel Lau 電郵:[email protected] 電話:2804 8148

此新聞稿由 MSL Hong Kong 代表 The North Face 發布。 傳媒垂詢,請聯絡 MSL Hong Kong:
Rebecca Tam
電郵:[email protected]
電話:2804 8163
Geffron Au Yeung
電郵:[email protected]
電話:2804 8146
Rachel Lau
電郵:[email protected]
電話:2804 8148

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[Important Update] RACE NOTICE of The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2023 (TNF100)

Never Stop Exploring with The North Face

#thenorthfacehk #neverstopexploring #TheNorthFace100 #TNF100HK 

Dear Racers,

We are excited that The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2023 (TNF100) is approaching! Due to the typhoon and black rainstorms earlier this Autumn, severe landslides have occurred, resulting in the closure of many trails across Hong Kong, including several sections of the TNF100 courses.

After a thorough evaluation of the damage, we have applied to the authorities for permission to use alternative routes. Once they are confirmed, we will promptly update the course maps with updated distance and altitude statistics on our official website The North Face - Home and social media channels.

Your safety is our top priority. We deeply appreciate your support and understanding in this challenging situation.
Thank you!


隨著The North Face 100香港越野跑挑戰賽2023(TNF100)舉辦在即,我們都感到熱切期盼!然而,受到較早前的颱風和黑色暴雨影響,香港多個地區出現嚴重山泥傾瀉,導致許多道路需要被封鎖,其中亦包括TNF100的賽道。

經過全面的道路損毀評估後,我們已向有關部門申請使用替代路線許可。一旦確定,我們將即時在官方網站The North Face - Home社交媒體上更新賽道地圖,包括距離和海拔統計數據。



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The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2023 Open for Registration on August 22 Adding new 16K Races and 100K Start at Night for the First Time

(17 August 2023, Hong Kong) The North Face 100 Ultra Challenge 2023 (TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge) is making a triumphant comeback this December! Building on the momentum in March, TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge is set to take place from December 8 to 10 (Friday to Sunday). The event will feature the 50K race along with the return of the standard 100K race in the mountains. Additionally, a new 16K race has been added to the event, providing an opportunity for racers of all levels to conquer the mountains together. This new race promises to offer an off-road experience for racers with less experiece to enjoy the satisfaction of the TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge!

The TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge has a total quota of 2,000 racers and includes a new 16km race distance
The varied topography of Hong Kong provides a distinctive setting for trail running. As a leading brand in exploration, The North Face has been committed to promoting this challenging activity as race sponsor since 2013, guiding individuals from the bustling city to the serene outskirts to gain a deeper understanding of the sport. This year, the TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge has expanded its offerings by introducing an easier 16K race alongside the 100K and 50K races. This addition aims to encourage newcomers to participate and put their skills to the test.
The total number of available slots for the three races is 2,000, with 400 slots for the 16K race, 800 for the 50K race, and 800 for the 100K race. Registration opens on August 22 at 4:00 PM. The North Face hopes to inspire everyone to explore the mountains and wilderness together regardless of running experience, and enjoy the pleasure it brings.

Experience the breathtaking beauty of Hong Kong by day and night with TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge
This year's TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge continues to uphold The North Face's mission of encouraging everyone to "never stop exploring" and discover the beauty of people and surroundings. To that end, the 100K challenge will start for the first time at 10 pm, allowing racers to uncover the peaceful and tranquil side of Hong Kong and explore the beauty of its night. With Aqua Pearl as the starting and ending points of all races, racers in the 100K race will begin by traversing Pat Sin Leng and proceed along the ridgeline of Wong Leng and Ping Fung Shan. After crossing Cloudy Hill, they will pass through the Lung Mun Country Trail and eventually reach Tai Mo Shan, the highest peak in Hong Kong. While enjoying scenic stretches along the way, they will soon enter the peaceful Lam Tsuen Valley and make their way through Ng Tung Chai. The challenging ascents of Tai To Yan and Lung Shan will follow. Subsequently, racers will pass through a large organic farm in Hok Tau and witness the sunrise as they cross Kwai Tau Leng. They will then explore several serene ancient villages in the northeastern part of Hong Kong, including Luk Keng, So Lo Pun, Lai Chi Wo and Wu Kau Tang. Continuing their journey, they will pass through Ha Mui Tin and reach Wang Leng and Ma Tau Fung before descending to Bride's Pool. Finally, they will tread the Pat Sin Leng Nature Trail and head towards the finish line at Aqua Pearl. In the 50K race, racers will also begin by completing the Pat Sin Leng, Wong Leng and Ping Fung Shan sections before heading directly to Hok Tau. At this point, they will merge with the 100K racers and compete on the same remaining course to the finish line. Meanwhile, the 16K race racers will pass through several picturesque countryside locations, including Pat Sin Leng Nature Trail, Mirror Pool and Bride's Pool.

Renowned racers from both local and global communities invited to participate in the TNF 100 Hong Kong Ultra Challenge
As with previous years, TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge has garnered the support and participation of both renowned international and local trail racers, such as Stone Tsang and Wong Ho Chung. In addition, TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge has partnered with the esteemed outdoor photographer Kelvin Yuen to capture the stunning scenery of each race segment. Through his lens, the public can embark on a visual journey to explore Hong Kong's natural beauty and experience the exhilaration of trail running. In addition to the valuable prizes awarded to winners across all categories, the 100K Challenge this year also offers a total of HK$60,000 in prize money to the top three male and female podium, which attracts international elite runners.

The organizer of the TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge said, "By promoting TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge, we want to offer racers a unique trail running experience. Racers will find joy in trail running and develop a deep appreciation for the natural landscapes of Hong Kong, while actively exploring the incredible wonders around them."

Registration opens on August 22
The registration will be conducted through two methods: open ballot and charity slots. Entry ballot registration will officially open on August 22 (Tuesday) at 4:00 PM and will close on August 29 (Tuesday) at 11:59 PM. Waitlists will be available for all categories. Racers who are successfully selected must complete the registration process within 8 days after receiving notification that their balloting was successful, including payment of the registration fee. All applicants, regardless of the outcome, will receive an email notifying them of the ballot results.
Racers also have the option to register directly for the charity slots for guaranteed entry by making a charitable donation of HKD 4,000, split between Food Angel and The Peak Hunter Foundation, which are two charities that both support the race and make significant contributions to the Hong Kong community.

Race & Registration Details:
Race Registration Fee (HKD) Application Fee (HKD) Application Date and Time Race Date and Time Quota
$380 (Payment on or before 30 Sept)
$480 (Payment on or after 1 Oct)
22 Aug 4:00 PM
29 Aug 11:59 PM
9 Dec 2023
8:00 AM
$750 (Payment on or before 30 Sept)
$950 (Payment on or after 1 Oct)
9 Dec 2023
8:00 AM
$1,500 (Payment on or before 30 Sept)
$1,700 (Payment on or after 1 Oct)
8 Dec 2023
10:00 PM
Race Registration Fee (HKD) Application Fee (HKD) Application Date and Time Race Date and Time Quota
$380 (Payment on or before 30 Sept)
$480 (Payment on or after 1 Oct)
22 Aug 4:00 PM
29 Aug 11:59 PM
9 Dec 2023
8:00 AM
Race Registration Fee (HKD) Application Fee (HKD) Application Date and Time Race Date and Time Quota
$750 (Payment on or before 30 Sept)
$950 (Payment on or after 1 Oct)
22 Aug 4:00 PM
29 Aug 11:59 PM
9 Dec 2023
8:00 AM
Race Registration Fee (HKD) Application Fee (HKD) Application Date and Time Race Date and Time Quota
$1,500 (Payment on or before 30 Sept)
$1,700 (Payment on or after 1 Oct)
22 Aug 4:00 PM
29 Aug 11:59 PM
8 Dec 2023
10:00 PM

* Reserved spots are available for all races.
* 100K racers are required to provide a proof of completing any 100K race within 27 hours in the past three years. However, considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, organizers will also accept virtual race records of completing 100K within 27 hours during the same period. Moreover, they will also consider accepting finishing records from races completed before the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019. Racers in the 50-kilometer and 16-kilometer races, on the other hand, are not required to submit any proof of completion.

The North Face VECTIV Exploration Truck presents the latest collection of trail running shoes

To encourage racers to actively prepare for the TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge, The North Face is organizing its largest-ever “The North Face Mobile Try-On Experience”. The North Face has specially arranged The North Face VECTIV Exploration Truck to travel around the bustling streets of Hong Kong. Between August 18 and October 8, for a total of 8 weeks, the truck will visit popular city locations covering various locations in Hong Kong, Kowloon, and the New Territories offering the public an exciting opportunity to explore the latest trail running shoe collection. Inside the exploration truck, racers can experience the thrill of trail running in TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge, and discover the comfort of the new trail running shoe series. By trying on the new shoes and joining the XPLR Pass (Explorer Pass) program, racers can even receive small gifts and discount coupons. In addition, The North Face will also introduce The North Face VECTIV Exploration Truck at the trainings with the local running communities, providing racers with the opportunity to learn about and try on the brand’s latest trail running shoes. Be it an experienced trail runner or a complete beginner, there is a suitable pair of running shoes for everyone. Step up and run wild!

The North Face VECTIV Exploration Truck makes a grand entrance into the bustling city, bringing a revolutionary trail running shoe experience to the public.

The North Face Summit Series — Summit VECTIV Pro

At the heart of “Athlete Tested. Expedition Proven”, the new gear and products in this collection have been tested by professional athletes in competition in order to ensure extraordinary performance for every runner. Incorporating experimental data and feedback from The North Face athletes, the SUMMIT SERIES™ VECTIV PRO ATHLETE 2023 can accommodate all runners’ needs. The design uses stabilisers and a VECTIV 2.0 full-length 3D carbon fibre plate to bring the shoes’ stability to the next level. Its midsole is made of SUPERFOAM material to elevate the high-rebound effect. The shoe shell utilises a breathable and durable mesh material, allowing runners to explore the terrains in comfort. They are also integrated with a wider D-shaped shoe last, which is perfect for the narrower Asian fit, while the shoelaces use a corrugated design to ensure they will not loosen easily. On top of that, the full-length PTU enhances the shoes’ support. This pair of shoes is high in stability and rebounding effect, making them more suitable for runners competing over long distances at high intensity.

Versatile trail running shoes suitable for various terrains and conditions  2023 VECTIV Enduris 3

Equip yourself with the latest 2023 VECTIV ENDURIS 3 for your next trail running session. Adopting VECTIV 2.0 technology with foam padding through the midsole, the shoes provide comfort to runners over a variety of distances. Stability and resilience are also enhanced with a highly supportive full-length 3D TPU plate and a wider silhouette that accommodates different foot shapes. With the Surface CTRL™ 3.5 rubber base, the shoes also demonstrate extreme floor-grip ability that can fully support runners’ every step in the mountains.

Trail running shoes suitable for beginners 2023 VECTIV Eminus

For trail running beginners, the 2023 VECTIV EMINUS are the perfect choice when it comes to stylish and functional options. Designed with a supportive 1/2 length 3D TPU plate in the forefoot, the shoes fuel runners with power while providing excellent cushioning with minimal wear and tear. They also feature an oval rolling midsole design, providing runners with lasting propulsion and endurance to serve as the best footwear option for outdoor trail running and daily fitness training.

Whether you’re participating in the TNF 100, venturing through mountain trails, or experiencing the new trail running shoes, there are multiple avenues to join The North Face’s exploration journey. Together, let’s embrace the exhilaration of trail running, push our limits, and uncover boundless possibilities!